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Aaron Millington`s Funeral

Aaron Millington`s Funeral

Martin Wild10 Feb 2020 - 13:29
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Reminder of details for tomorrow

A reminder of tomorrow`s arrangements, at the request of the family, they ask if it remains solely close family and friends who attend the Crematorium. The family will then return for the wake at Yockings Park before 4pm.

Tuesday 11th February 2020

  • 1.15pm St Alkmunds Church (Whitchurch)
  • 2.45pm Emstrey Crematorium (Shrewsbury)
  • Wake at Whitchurch Alport FC

We shall open the Cadstones Clubhouse from 2.30pm for everyone to join together, with the family joining us after the Crematorium. All attending are encouraged to wear a football shirt if they wish to do so. Large numbers are understandably expected.

Many thanks,
Whitchurch Alport

Further reading